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Analysis of oil custom pipeline industry

2020-08-19 10:24:42   COMMENT:0 HITS:
  Judging from the current situation, it is less likely that the price of oil custom pipeline will fall sharply in the short term, so businesses need not worry too much and should be treated rationally. On the whole, when the demand does not get a better recovery, the local market price is expected to enter the consolidation stage. The oil custom pipeline market price fell slightly due to the influence of the surrounding market. The poor market demand caused some pessimistic mood of the merchants, and the wait-and-see atmosphere was obvious.

  Market expectations for the overall decline in the late period, some businesses choose to deal mainly to avoid the policy. The rising market has not been well sustained. In the face of greater inventory pressure, businesses appear to be lack of confidence, and the demand has not been significantly increased, so the price of oil custom pipeline is difficult to maintain. However, some inventory is not too large, and the quotation of merchants is still firm, with the high quotation of about 4150 yuan / ton. Cost is still the most difficult problem for private enterprises. The downstream transaction is not good. At the same time, vicious competition causes steel pipe prices to fall quickly.

  At present, after a few weeks of digestion, the products in the hands of manufacturers have fallen sharply, but the new cost has been reduced again, and it is still possible to continue to decline in the future. On the contrary, the downstream takes a wait-and-see situation, while the manufacturers are still pessimistic. In a short period of time, the oil custom pipeline target will still be to digest the inventory.

  The possibility of price falling sharply in the short term is small, so businesses need not worry too much and need to be treated rationally. On the whole, when the demand does not get a better recovery, the local market price is expected to enter the consolidation stage. Recently, the price of North China market rose slightly, and the shipment situation of merchants was fair. Merchants said that the rise in the North China market was mainly due to two factors: first, the oil pipe market resources were relatively small, and some merchants were seriously out of stock; second, under the influence of favorable macro environment factors, prices continued to consolidate upward and railway investment increased. Tangshan billet prices continue to rise, raw material prices have played a supporting role in maintaining prices, but the lack of effective support for transactions, traders can only continue to wait.

  From the perspective of downstream demand, the traditional plate consumption of oil custom pipeline has entered the off-season, and the end enterprises in the steel pipe market have insufficient orders and low purchase intention. On the other hand, with the high temperature weather in the season, the peak of private power consumption is coming, which will restrict the release of downstream demand to a certain extent.

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