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oil custom pipeline maintenance

2019-12-26 17:23:42   COMMENT:0 HITS:

  People are too indulgent to the precision oil custom pipeline, and will not care about the maintenance of the oil custom pipeline. However, for the oil custom pipeline, the part with weak corrosion resistance in the transition film will form point corrosion reaction due to self excitation reaction, and produce small holes, which will form a strong corrosive solution with the close chloride ion and accelerate the corrosion. In addition, the intergranular corrosion cracking in stainless steel will destroy the transition film on the surface of stainless steel plate.

  Therefore, the surface of API 5L X70 LSAW Seamless Steel Oil Custom Pipeline should be cleaned and maintained at a certain level to better extend the service life of oil custom pipeline.

  Oil custom pipeline and common welded pipe have great improvement in performance, especially in pressure bearing capacity, so they are often used in high-pressure equipment. Such as pipeline connection of hydraulic equipment. The weld position of common oil custom pipeline is its weak link, and the weld quality is also the main factor affecting its overall performance.

  People who have lived in the north have had the experience of water pipe or heating pipe being frozen and exploded in winter, and the place of explosion is generally the weld joint. So we must pay attention to the maintenance of oil custom pipeline.

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